
Thank you for your continued generous donations

If you wish to donate food we have drop off points below. We are still unable to accept donations directly into the foodbank, should you wish for a donation to be collected please give us a call and we can arrange this. Donation Points; Tesco Morrisons – our drop off box is by the exit […]

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We’d love to have a ‘virtual’ chat and a cup of tea with you…

We’d love to have a chat and a cup of tea with you to find out if there’s anything else we can help you with.  Please come to the foodbank or ring or text us on our usual Foodbank mobile 07941 436149 to make an appointment time for a call and one of our friendly […]

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Difficulty contacting referral agencies – how we can help

Tavistock Foodbank wants to reassure anyone who finds themselves currently in financial difficulty, perhaps due to the consequences of COVID-19, which results in not being able to afford food for themselves or their family that we are here to help.  We are also aware that the normal procedure of being referred to us, by our […]

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Covid-19 Update

We wanted to give you an update as to how your food bank is going to be operating in relation to COVID-19. The Trussell Trust are continually monitoring the situation and updating us as necessary. We will be following recommendations regarding hygiene measures and we would kindly ask that you follow instructions given to you […]

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