Important update regarding Food donations
Where to make food donations – please read details in the section
Give help
Donate food
Thank you
Normal hours 10.00am - 14.00pm ( please arrive before 13.30pm )
We are open on Fridays between 10.00am - 14.00pm.
Please arrive before 13.30pm with your voucher to ensure we have enough time to help you
Thank you
Monetary donations
To donate money please click the 'Give Help' green box on the left for more details.
Please obtain a food voucher before coming to the foodbank.
We are very busy at the moment ,so if you are in need of food please obtain a food voucher before coming to the foodbank. Please do not wait until Friday to get a food voucher.
Please arrive before 1.30 pm .
We operate a referral voucher system ,so please contact CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau) by phoning 0808 2787999 If they do not answer immediately, please leave a message on their answer phone with your details and request a food voucher.
Alternatively if you are receiving support from any social care, health services or support agencies, please ask them or the benefits agency to issue you with a voucher
If you cannot manage to get a voucher please call in to the Foodbank and we will try to help,OR ring us direct on 07941 436149.
Thanks for your support and understanding.
Foodbank Vouchers
Our foodbank works using a voucher referral system. Find out more about how we work.
URC Cafe
Please come along to the Foodbank on a Friday where you can receive a free delicious breakfast or lunch, if you are one of our clients.